
I've been tagged !!!

by Miss Sabrisakachat my Swedish friend (flickr is such a great place to met new cool people !!
Some rules...
First of all : open flickr ! ;) in the search tool enter the answer for the following questions and select a photo in the front result page. Copy the URL and a insert it in the mosaic maker (3 columns and 4 rows, for 12 photos at the end). When finished, clic on CREATE ! And copy the image on your blog ! Done ! ;)

1. What's your name ? Cristina
2. What is you favorite dish ? rice !!!!
3. What is the name of your school ? Edouard Vaillant
4. What's you favorite color? All of them...
5. Have a crush on a celebrity (who's he) ? Aucune... (en particulier)
6. What's your favorite drink ? Coffe (bt not addict !)
7. What is the dreamy country you want to visit ? Braaaaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
8. Your favorite dessert ? Crêpes (yummy....)
9. What did you want to become when you were a child ? Ah ah... i let you guess ! ;)
10. What do you love the most in life ? Life ! (all begins by this !)
11. One word to describe you? Blairotte (untranslatable ! lol !)
12. Your Flickr name? {Cristina&David} (i didn't chose a photo, cause the only that appears were from other people's wedding...)

I've been tagged !!!

And now, i joyfully tag...

Lilith !
Emma ! (hey hey !)
Séverine !
S@fo !
Mélanie !


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